贾杰博士,1972年,男,教授,西北工业大学导航制导与控制专业博士,西北工业大学仪器科学与技术专业博士后,中国科学院信号与通信专业博士后,南昌航空大学教授。中国航空学会直升机专业委员会委员,中国人工智能学会理事。 长期致力于飞行器导航制导与控制、无人系统总体与智能控制、非线性系统控制及仿真等领域的科学研究和教学工作。先后主持和参与军委科技委集成创新项目、海军战勤计划项目 、国家自然基金两项、航天支撑技术基金、航空基金项目等40余项。在国内外核心期刊以第一作者或独立发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI检索10余篇,EI检索15篇,专利13项。2016年获得吴文俊智能科技进步国家三等奖(排名第一)。 兼任国防奖项评审专家、航空科学基金和国家自然科学基金评审专家,参与我国某型外贸飞行器的立项论证、技术引进、试验分析和评审鉴定工作,提出的“基于气动振颤主动拟制的自适应控制技术”在某高超国家重大专项工程中得到应用,所开发的“异构网络化多平台任务规划系统”和“制导与控制系统综合设计与分析平台系统”等到了多家航空单位的认可,所研制“网络化机载试飞数据采集与记录设备”产品为中航某单位创造重大经济效益,获得江西省高校科学研究成果重点推广项目。拥有全部自主知识产权的两款无人机产品,结合自主研发的无人机飞行控制器及地面指挥控制站,形成一整套智能无人机解决方案。凭借独创的“人感交互闭环-控制算法”,在国际无人机控制领域具有不可替代的技术领先地位。 近几年课题 1 国家自然基金/ U1431118 空间碎片捕获运动特征状态综合辨识及其关联动力学研究 2015.1-2017.12 1 2 国家自然基金/ 61263012 太空垃圾捕获过程动力学精细化建模及其仿真研究 2013.1-2016.12 1 4 中航工业某所/国防横向 协同编队飞行演示验证技术研究1 2016.1-2017.12 1 5 中航工业某院/国防横向 高速目标探测导引系统技术分析 2015.5-2016.3 1 6 中航工业某所/国防横向 动态可重配置技术在图像处理中的应用 2015.3-2015.9 1 7 中航工业某所/国防横向 某型无人机研制 2015.1-2017.6 1 8 中航工业某院/国防横向 自适应多波段导引头外场测控仪 2015.1-2016.10 1 9 中航工业某所/国防横向 PCU测试软件1 2015.1-2015.8 1
2010.10 – 2013.9 中国科学院大学计算机科学与技术学院,获计算机应用技术专业博士后
2007.10 – 2009.9 西北工业大学自动化学院,获仪器科学与技术专业博士后
2003.09 – 2007.06 西北工业大学航天学院,获导航制导与控制专业博士
XXX飞行器模型解耦理论方法研究,高超重大科技工程(0XXX工程) 子课题,40万,2011.10-2012.06;
[11] 中航工业某所/国防横向 某无人机及发射技术研究 2019.11-2021.6
2016 中国人工智能学会吴文俊人工智能科技进步三等奖
[1] Jie Jia (贾杰), Ke Lu, Jing Wang, Rui Zhai, Yong Yang,
High Maneuvering Target Tracking Based on Self-adaptive Interaction
Multiple-Model, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and
Technology, 2013. (SCI 期刊, in press)
[2] Jie Jia (贾杰), Yanyan Zhou, Yong Yang, Xiaona Luo, Fast
Recursive Identification Algorithm for Nonlinear Time Series model based on
improved Extreme Learning Machine, Advances in Information Sciences and Service
Sciences, 2013. (SCI期刊, in press)
[3] Jie Jia (贾杰), Yongjun Yang, Yiming Hou, Xiangyang Zhang,
He Huang. Adaboost classification-based object orientation method for sequence
images [J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, 44-47: 3902- 3906. (EI 期刊)
[4] Jie Jia (贾杰), Zou Liang, Yong Yang, Xiaogeng Liang,
Xiaohong Jia, Controller Analysis and Synthesis Based on Data Modeling for
Hypersonic Vehicles, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, vol. 7, no.
23, pp: 736-745, 2012. (EI 期刊)
[5] Zhening Zhang (研究生), Jie Jia (贾杰), Ruifeng Ding. Hierarchical least squares
based iterative estimation algorithm for multivariable Box–Jenkins-like systems
using the auxiliary model [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218
(09): 5580–5587. (SCI检索、EI检索)
[6] Honghong Duan (研究生), Jie Jia (贾杰), Ruifeng Ding. Two-stage recursive least
squares parameter estimation algorithm for output error models [J].
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2012, 55(03): 1151–1159. (SCI检索、EI检索)
[7] Yong Yang, Shuying Huang, Junfeng Gao, Jie Jia (贾杰), Zhongsheng Qian, Multi-focus Image Fusion
Using an Effective Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Algorithm, International
Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2013. (SCI 期刊,
[8]Jie Jia,
Yongjun Yang, Yiming Hou, Xiangyang
Zhang, He Huang. Adaboost classification-based object orientation method for sequence
images[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,
2011, 44-47: 3902- 3906. (EI检索)
[9] Jie Jia,
Xutao Luo, Yongyuan Qin. Study of adaptive variable structure attitude control
and its full physical simulation of multi-body satellite antenna drive control[R].
Preceedings of the Wri-corld Congress on Computer Science and
Information Engineering, 31 March-2 April 2009, Los Angeless, California Usa,
2009: 546-549.(EI检索)
[10]Jie Jia,
Yu Xie, Xiangyang Zhang , Xutao Luo, Yuanqin Yong. Reinforcement self-learning fuzzy
neural control of three-axis stabilized spacecraft[R]. Preceedings of the 2009
International Symposium on Web Information Systems and Applications, 22-24, May
2009, Nanchang, China, 2009: 471-475.(EI检索)
[11]贾 杰,周凤岐, 周军.航天器天线定向复合控制半物理仿真系统误差模型及其分析[J].宇航学报, 2006,27(01): 126-129. (EI检索)
[12] Zhening Zhang, Jie Jia, Ruifeng Ding. Hierarchical least squares based iterative
estimation algorithmfor multivariable Box–Jenkins-like systems using the auxiliary
model [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218 (09): 5580–5587. (SCI检索)
[13] Honghong Duan, Jie Jia, Ruifeng Ding. Two-stage recursive least squares parameter
estimation algorithm for output error models [J]. Mathematical and Computer
Modelling, 2012, 55(03): 1151–1159. (SCI检索)
[14]贾 杰,秦永元,罗绪涛.直接力与气动面混合控制选择与分配[J].计算机仿真, 2009,26(02): 53-56.
[15]贾 杰,秦永元.RLV再入姿态双环滑模控制及舵喷混合配置[J].飞行力学, 2008,26(05): 55-58.
[16]贾 杰, 秦永元.一种基于DDFC的半物理仿真台滑模控制器设计方法[J].航天控制, 2008,26(05): 69-73.
[17]Jie Jia,
Fengqi Zhou, Jun Zhou. Re-entry attitude double-loop SMC of the spacecraft and
its logic selection[R]. Haerbin
[18]贾 杰, 周凤岐, 周军. 三轴气浮台转动惯量测试方法研究[J].航天控制, 2006,24(02): 73-77.
[19]Fengqi Zhou, Jie Jia,
Jun Zhou. The study of nonlinear fuzzy variable
structure robust controlling problem of the TACT based on decoupling[J]. Fire Control
and Command control, 2006, 31(12):1-4.
[20]贾 杰, 秦永元, 罗绪涛.基于DDFC的航天器姿态控制器设计方法[J].计算机仿真, 2009,26(01): 76-79.
[21]Jie Jia,
Fengqi Zhou, Jun Zhou. Research on dynamical VSC problem of the TACT based on decoupling[R].
Proceedings of Sino-Russian Conference on Aerospace Technology, 16-17, April
2006, xi’an, China, 2006(04):136-139.
[22]贾 杰, 祁灵, 张向阳, 吴小润.倾斜气浮台姿态控制系统设计及其全物理仿真试验方法[J].南昌航空大学学报,2008,22(04): 69-73.
[23]贾 杰, 王涛, 张向阳.一类新的三维变结构制导律研究[R]. 江西省航空学会电子技术与电子测试学会2008论文集, 2008:14-17.
[26]Jia Jie. The Study of Nonlinear Fuzzy Variable
Structure Robust Controlling Problem of The TACT Based On Decoupling, Firepower
and Command Control 2006(12)。
[27]Jia Jie. Research on Dynamical VSC Problem of The
TACT Based On Decoupling,Sino-Russian Conference on Aerospace
[28]Jia Jie. Re-Entry Attitude Double-Loop SMC of the
Spacecraft and its Logic Selection, ISSCAA 2006: 623-626, 2006。