2010年7至今 南昌航空大学测试与光电工程学院。
2011年1月 法国滨海大学大气物理化学实验室邀请教授。
2013年11月 法国滨海大学大气物理化学实验室邀请教授。
2008.10—2009.11,法国滨海大学 (联合培养博士)
[1] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于中红外宽带离轴积分腔的大气N2O5高灵敏度直接探测方法的研究”(42175130),2022-2025年。
[2] 主持国家自然科学基金地区基金项目:“基于瑞利布里渊散射频谱的燃烧温度场诊断技术的研究”(61965013),2020-2023年。
[3] 主持国家自然科学基金地区基金项目:“基于高光谱分辨率测温激光雷达的对流层大气温度廓线测量”(41665001),2017-2020年。已结题
[4] 主持国家自然科学基金地区基金项目:“基于开径式非相干宽带腔增强吸收光谱大气中HONO 探测方法的研究”(41265011),2013-2016年。已结题
[5] 主持江西省自然科学基金重点项目:“基于外差相敏色散光谱的宽量程高灵敏度多组分气体传感技术的研究”(项目编号:20232ACB202002),2023-2026年。
[6] 主持横向课题:“温室气体在线监测仪器的关键技术研究”,2022-2026年。
[7] 主持江西省科技厅重点研发计划:“基于免标定波长调制技术的幽门螺旋杆菌无损快速检测”(20203BBG73039),2020-2022年。已结题
[8] 主持中国人民解放军63672部队项目:“基于布里渊散射的爆炸环境下瞬态高温测量技术”,2020-2021年。
[9] 主持横向课题:“高光谱分辨率测温技术研究服务支持”,2020-2021年。已结题
[10] 主持江西省科技厅重点研发计划:“基于自标定开放光程宽带腔增强光谱测量大气NO3自由基技术的研究”(20192BBH80019),2019-2021年。已结题
[11] 主持江西省科技厅重点研发计划:“高精度大气水同位素丰度探测技术的研究” (20171BBG70003),2017-2019年。已结题
[12] 主持南京大学横向课题:“光学烟雾腔试制及NO3自由基的原位定量检测”,2017-2018年。已结题
[13] 主持人社部2016年度留学人员科技活动项目择优资助经费项目:“基于腔衰荡光谱的水同位素丰度测量技术的研究”。已结题
[15]主持江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目: “基于宽带腔衰荡光谱的HONO气体在线检测”(项目编号:GJJ14548),2014-2015年。已结题
SPIE会议Optical Engineering +
Applications 2014 分会节目委员会委员,国际期刊Analytical
Chemistry, Optics Express, Journal of Environmental Sciences,Atmospheric Environment,IEEE Access等特邀审稿人。
Haojie Zhang, Tao Wu*, Qiang Wu,
Weidong Chen, Chenwen Ye, Mengyu Wang, and Xingdao He. Measurement of CO2
Isotopologue Ratios Using a Hollow Waveguide-Based Mid-Infrared Dispersion
Spectrometer. Analytical Chemistry 95, 18479−18486 (2023). (中科院一区)
Yang Liu, Tao Wu*, Qiang Wu, Weidong
Chen, Chenwen Ye, Mengyu Wang, Xingdao He. A novel mid-infrared hollow
waveguide gas sensor for measuring water vapor isotope ratios in the
atmosphere. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 375, 132950 (2023). (中科院一区)
Haojie Zhang, Tao Wu*, Qiang Wu,
Weidong Chen, Chenwen Ye, Mengyu Wang, Ming Zhu, Xingdao He. Methane detection
with a near-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectrometer at a
stronger frequency modulation using direct injection-current dithering. Optics
Express 31, 25070-25081 (2023). (中科院二区)
Hongda Yan, Tao Wu*, Sihao Pi, Qiang
Wu, Chenwen Ye, Xingdao He. Demonstration of a Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering
spectrometer with high spectral resolution for rapid gas temperature detection.
Optics Letters 48, 5931-5934 (2023).(中科院二区)
Yang Liu, Tao Wu*, Qiang Wu, Weidong
Chen, Chenwen Ye, Mengyu Wang, Xingdao He. A laser-locked hollow waveguide gas
sensor for simultaneous measurements of CO2 isotopologues with high accuracy,
precision and sensitivity. Analytical Chemistry 93, 15468-15473 (2021). (中科院一区)
Tao Zhou, Tao Wu*, Qiang Wu*,
Weidong Chen, Mingwei Wu, Chenwen Ye, and Xingdao He. Real-Time Monitoring of
13C- and 18O
Tao Wu*, Weiping Kong, Mengyu Wang,
Qiang Wu*, Weidong Chen, Chenwen Ye, Rongjing Hu, Xingdao He. Compact hollow
waveguide mid-infrared gas sensor for simultaneous measurements of ambient CO2
and water vapor. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38, 4580-4587 (2020). (中科院一区)
Tao Zhou, Tao Wu*, Qiang Wu*,
Chenwen Ye, Rongjing Hu, Weidong Chen, Xingdao He. Real-time measurement of CO2
isotopologue ratios in exhaled breath by a hollow waveguide based mid-infrared
gas sensor. Optics Express 28, 10970-10980 (2020). (中科院二区)
Jingcheng Shang, Tao Wu*, Hao Wang,
Wenjie Xu, Chenwen Ye, Rongjing Hu, Juanzhong Tao, Xingdao He*. Measurement of
Bulk Viscosity of CO2 Based on Spontaneous Rayleigh-Brillouin Scattering. IEEE
Access 8, 40909-40917 (2020)
Tao Zhou, Tao Wu ⃰, Huailin Zhang,
Qiang Wu ⃰, Weidong Chen, Chenwen Ye, and Xingdao He.Influence of light
coupling configuration and alignment on the stability of HWG-based gas sensor
system for real-time detection of exhaled carbon dioxide. IEEE Sensors Journal,
19, 11972-11979 (2019).
Jingcheng Shang, Tao Wu∗, Hao Wang, Chuanyin Yang,
Chenwen Ye, Rongjing Hu, Juanzhong Tao, Xingdao He∗. Measurement of Temperature-Dependent
Bulk Viscosities of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Air From Spontaneous
Rayleigh-Brillouin Scattering, IEEE Access 7, 136439-136451 (2019).
吴涛∗,杨传音,商景诚,何兴道,陈忠平。基于自发瑞利-布里渊散射的相关参数误差对气体温度准确测量的影响。光学学报 39, 0912006(2019)。
Jingcheng Shang, Tao Wu ⃰, Chuanyin
Yang, Rongjing Hu, Xingdao He, Zhongping Chen. Pressure and temperature
retrieval of nitrogen respectively by analysis of spontaneous
Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering profiles. Optics Communications 436,
吴涛 ⃰,张怀林,孔维平,何兴道,陈忠平,陈卫东。基于2.73μm分布反馈式激光器同时在线测量呼出气体中的CO2和水汽。光学学报 38, 1230001(2018)。
吴涛 ⃰,商景诚,何兴道,杨传音。基于自发瑞利-布里渊散射的氮气体黏滞系数的测量。物理学报 67, 077801(2018)。
Chuanyin Yang, Tao Wu ⃰, Jingcheng
Shang, Xinyi Zhang, Rongjing Hu and Xingdao He. The effect of pressure on
spontaneous Rayleigh–Brillouin scattering spectrum in nitrogen. Journal of
Modern Optics, 65, 970–977 (2018).
[21]Tao Wu ⃰, Jingcheng Shang, Chuanyin
Yang, Xinyi Zhang, Huan Yu, Qibo Mao, Xingdao He, and Zhongping Chen.
Spontaneous Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering spectral analysis based on the Wiener
filter. AIP Advances 8, 015210 (2018).
吴涛 ⃰,徐冬,何兴道,赖荣,程涛。基于波长调制的离轴积分腔输出光谱技术研究。光学学报37(08):0830002(2017)。
吴涛,陈卫东,何兴道。非相干宽带腔增强吸收光谱技术应用于大气中HONO和NO2的实时探测。光谱学与光谱分析35,2985-2989 (2015)。
Tao Wu ⃰, Qiaozhi Zha, Weidong Chen,
Zheng Xu, Tao Wang, Xingdao He. Development and deployment of a cavity enhanced
UV-LED spectrometer for measurements of atmospheric HONO and NO2 in Hong Kong.
Atmos. Environ. 95, 544-551(2014).
Tao Wu ⃰, Weidong Chen, Eric
Fertein, Pascal Masselin, Xiaoming Gao, Weijun Zhang, Yingjian Wang, Johannes
Koeth, Daniela Brückner and Xingdao He. Measurement of the D/H, 18O/16O, and
17O/16O Isotope Ratios in Water by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy at 2.73 μm.
Sensors 14, 9027-9045(2014).
Tao Wu ⃰, Cécile Coeur-Tourneur,
Guillaume Dhont, Andy Cassez, Eric Fertein, Xingdao He, Weidong Chen.
Simultaneous monitoring of temporal profiles of NO3, NO2 and O3 by incoherent
broadband cavity enhanced absorptionspectroscopy for atmospheric applications.
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 133, 199–205(2014).
[29] T. Wu⃰, W. Chen, E. Fertein, F. Cazier, D. Dewaele, X. Gao. Development of an open-path incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced spectroscopy based instrument for simultaneous measurement of HONO and NO2 in ambient air. Appl. Phys. B 106, 501–509 (2012).