













1. 材料科学与工程学院 001 材料学 080502 材料的结构、成分及性能控制 01
2. 材料科学与工程学院 001 材料表面与界面工程 0805Z1 材料表面与界面改性技术 01
3. 材料科学与工程学院 001 航空宇航科学与技术 082500 航空材料制备与性能调控技术 02
4. 材料科学与工程学院 001 材料与化工 085600 先进材料制备与性能调控技术 01
5. 材料科学与工程学院 001 材料学 080502 粉末冶金材料及应用 04

2012年至今 南昌航空大学 材料科学与工程学院




1、国家自然科学基金,高热稳定性SmFe12基稀土永磁的微结构调控及与磁性能的关联性研究(52161031)2022.1-2025.12 主持

2、江西省杰出青年基金,高丰度稀土热变形 RE-Fe-B 磁体的元素冶金行为、价态调控及与磁性能的关联性研究 (20212ACB214008)2021.1-2023.12 主持

3、江西省自然科学基金重点项目,高热稳定性SmFe12基稀土永磁的晶间相调控及磁硬化机制研究(20224ACB204005)2023年01月-2025年12月 主持

4、国家自然科学基金,富镧铈多主相热变形RE-Fe-B磁体的微结构调控及磁硬化机制研究(51961027)2020.1-2023.12 主持

5、国家自然科学基金,低稀土纳米晶热变形NdFeB永磁晶界改性及性能调控机制(51401103) 2015.1-2017.12  主持

6、江西省青年自然科学基金,热变形纳米晶NdFeB永磁晶界改性及性能增强机制(20151BAB216003) 2015.6-2017.6  主持

7、江西省面上自然科学基金,无稀土高致密各向异性纳米复合MnBi/α-Fe 永磁材料的制备及性能调控(20161BAB206110) 2016.6-2018.6  主持

8、航空科学基金(2014ZF56017)2014.10-2016.10  主持






主要研究领域:稀土永磁材料;磁热效应;磁性纳米材料。目前已在Acta Mater.、 Appl. Phys. Lett.、J. Alloys Compd.、 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.、J. Appl. Phys.等国内外期刊发表论文40余篇,受邀担任Acta Mater.、J. Alloys Compd.、Mater. Lett.、J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 等期刊的审稿工作。

(1) Y. L. Huang*, Q. Feng, W. Li, C. Yang, W. X. Chai, J. M. Luo, Z. S. Pang, X. Yu, L. Z. Zhao, Y. H. Hou*, Controlling grain growth to achieve improved magnetic properties of NdCeFeB magnets via grain boundary diffusion, Applied Physics Letters 124 (2024) 022406

(2) L. Huang, J.M. Luo, C.Y. Wang, W.X. Chai, X.S. Zhang, Y.H. Hou, W. Li, X. Yu, C.C. Zhong, H.Y. Mao, L.Z. Zhao, Y.L. Huang*, Significantly improved magnetic properties and thermal stability for sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets via grain boundary diffusion of DyCo alloy, Intermetallics 165 (2024) 108158

(3) Q. Feng, Y.L. Huang, H.F. Li, J.Y. Yu, C.Y. Wang, Z.J. Wu, Y.F. Yao, Y.H. Hou, W. Li, L. Ma, H.B. Yu, Elevated corrosion resistance and improved magnetic properties of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets via the infiltration of DyCr film, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 940 (2023) 168827

(4) Y.H. Hou, Z.J. Wu, H.F. Li, X.S. Zhang, W.X. Chai, Q. Feng, W. Li, X. Yu, Z.S. Pang, L. Ma, H.B. Yu, Y.L. Huang, Microstructure regulation and optimizing magnetic properties of (La, Ce, Pr)17Fe78B6 alloy via short-range grain boundary diffusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 957 (2023) 170035

(5) Y.H. Hou *, Z.H. Nie, Y.F. Yao, Z.J. Wu, Q. Feng, W. Li, J.M. Luo, Y.L. Huang*, Effects of Ce content on microstructure evolution and magnetic properties for hot deformed Ce–Fe–B magnets, Intermetallics 148 (2022) 107644

(6) Z.H. Nie, Y.H. Hou *, F.Y. Wang, W. Li, Z.S. Pang, H.Y. Mao, Y.L. Huang *, Tunning Ce valence and optimizing intergranular phase to prepare high abundance (La, Ce, Pr)-Fe-B permanent alloys with excellent properties, Materials Characterization 183 (2022) 111596

(7) Y.L. Huang *, Q. Rao, Q. Feng, Z.J. Wu, Y.F. Yao, Y.H. Hou, W. Li, J.M. Luo *, An insight into the improved microstructure and elevated comprehensive properties of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets via the infiltration of DyCu alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 20 (2022) 3094-3102

(8) Y.L. Huang, H.X. Nie, Y.Y. Liu, W. Li*, J.M. Luo, Z.S. Pang, H.Y. Mao, Y.H. Hou*, Production of anisotropic hot deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets with the addition of Pr-Cu-Al alloy based on nanocomposite ribbon, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 892 (2021) 162072

(9) S.H. Zheng, Y.H. Hou*, X.L. Guo, Y.L. Huang*, W. Li, X.M. Tao, Effects of S/F doping and Li/Mn site exchange in Li2MnSiO4: A first-principles investigation of the structural, electrochemical and electronic properties, Electrochimica Acta 367 (2021) 137553

(10) Y.W. Guan, Y.L. Huang*, Q. Rao, W. Li, Y.H. Hou *, J.M. Luo*, Z.S. Pang, H.Y. Mao, Investigation on the grain boundary diffusion of Dy2O3 film prepared by electrophoreticdeposition for sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 857 (2021) 157606 

(11) C. Chen, Y.L. Huang*, Y.F. Yao, X.K. Fu, W. Li, Y.H. Hou*, Effects of thermal annealing on improved magnetic properties and microstructure for SmFe11Ti alloy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 530 (2021) 167950

(12) Y.L. Huang, Z.Q. Shi, Y.H. Hou, J. Cao, Microstructure, improved magnetic properties, and recoil loops characteristics for MnBi alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 485 (2019) 157-164

(13) Y.L. Huang, Z.H. Li, X.J. Ge, Z.Q. Shi, Y.H. Hou, G.P. Wang, Z.W. Liu, Z.C. Zhong, Microstructure, magnetic anisotropy, plastic deformation, and magnetic properties: The role of PrCu in hot deformed CeFeB magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 797 (2019) 1133-1141

(14) W. Chen, Y.L. Huang, J.M. Luo, Y.H. Hou, X.J. Ge, Y.W. Guan, Z.W. Liu, Z.C. Zhong, G.P. Wang, Microstructure and improved properties of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by grain boundary diffusion of non-rare earth, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 476 (2019)134-141

(15) J. Cao, Y.L. Huang, Y.H. Hou, Z.Q. Shi, X.T. Yan, Z.C. Zhong, G.P. Wang, Microstructure and magnetic properties of MnBi alloys with high coercivity and significant anisotropy prepared by surfactant assisted ball milling, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 473 (2019) 505-510 

(16) W. Chen, J.M. Luo, Y.W. Guan, Y.L. Huang*, M. Chen, Y.H. Hou, Grain boundary diffusion of Dy films prepared by magnetron sputtering for sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (2018) 185001 

(17) W.B Fan, Y.H. Hou, X.J. Ge, J.M. Luo, Y.L. Huang, Z.C. Zhong, Microstructure and improved magnetocaloric properties: LaFeSi/LaAl magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering technique, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (2018) 115003 

(18) J. Cao, Y.L. Huang, Y.H. Hou, G.Q. Zhang, Z. Q. Shi, Z.C. Zhong, Z. W. Liu, Effects of intergranular phase on the coercivity for MnBi magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering, AIP Advances 8 (2018) 055132

(19 Y.L. Huang, W.B. Fan, Y.H. Hou, K.X. Guo, Y.F. Ouyang, Z.W. Liu, Effects of intrinsic defects on the electronic structure and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4: A first-principles study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 429 (2017) 263-269

(20) Y.H. Hou, Y.L. Huang,S.J. Hou, S.C. Ma, Z.W. Liu, Y.F. Ouyang, Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of RE3+-doping in CoFe2O4: A first-principles study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 421 (2017) 300-305

(21) Yuhua Hou*, Youlin Huang,Shijie Hou, Shengcan Ma, Zhongwu Liu, Yifang Ouyang, Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of RE3+-doping in CoFe2O4: A first-principles study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 421 (2017) 300-305

(22) Yuhua Hou, Yuanliang Wang, Youlin Huang*, Yang Wang, Shuo Li, Shencan Ma, Zhongwu Liu, Dechang Zeng, Lizhong Zhao, Zhenchen, Zhong, Effects of Nd-rich phase on the improved properties and recoil loops for hot deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets, Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 385-391

(23) Youlin Huang*, Yang Wang, Yuhua Hou, Yuanliang Wang, Yuan Wu, Shengcan Ma, Zhongwu Liu, Dechang Zeng, Yue Tian, Weixing Xia, Zhenchen Zhong, Magnetic Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered NdFeB Magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 399 (2016) 175-178