张磊,男,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。研究工作主要为金属凝固过程控制和新型材料制备工艺。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目、江西省自然科学基金、江西省教育厅科技项目等5项科研项目。目前主持在研国家自然科学基金地区项目和江西省自然科学基金各一项,科研经费充裕。近年来以第一作者在Metals and Materials International、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Advanced Engineering Materials、Materials Letters、Materials & Design、Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B、Materials Research Express、Materials Science and Technology等国际权威知名杂志上发表SCI,EI论文20余篇,申报国家专利1项。培养学生获得研究生国家奖学金2人,江西省奖学金1人。
3、国家自然科学基金项目“脉冲磁场作用下原位准晶增强Mg-Zn-Y合金凝固机理研究”,2015-2017,25万,主持 ,结题。
(2)张帅杰, 吴谦, 陈志堂, 郑滨松,
Zhang Lei, Zhang Shuaijie, Xu Pian, Huang
Hao. Effects of substitution of Cu with Ni on microstructure and mechanical properties
of Mg-Er-Cu Alloy. Journal of Materials
Engineering and Performance, 2022, 31:552-559.
Zhang Lei, Zhang Shuaijie, Ouyang Kangxin,
Zhou Yihuan, Huang Hao, Xu pian. Microstructure and mechanical properties of
Mg-Er-Cu/Ni/Zn alloy with long period stacking ordered phases. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2021,
(5) Zhang lei, Huang Hao, Zhang Shuaijie,
Liu Xurui. Microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological behavior of
two-phase Mg-Y-Cu alloys with long period stacking ordered phases. Metals and Materials International, 2021, 27: 1605-1612.
张磊, 刘栩瑞, 黄 浩, 周全. 脉冲磁场对镁铜合金组织、力学性能及生物腐蚀行为的影响.
Zhang lei, Liu Xurui, Huang Hao.
Grain refinement of pure magnesium by the addition of calcium carbonate. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(6):
Zhang Lei, Liu Xurui, Huang Hao,
Zhou Quan. Effects of a steady magnetic field on structure and bio-corrosion
behavior of pure magnesium. Materials
Research Express, 2019, 6(6): 065410.
Zhang Lei, Liu Xurui, Huang Hao,
Zhan Wei. Effects of Ti on microstructure, mechanical properties and
biodegradation behavior of Zn-Cu alloy. Materials
Letters, 2019, 224: 119-122.
Zhang Lei, Zhan Wei, Jin Fan, Zhou
Quan. Microstructure and properties of A357 aluminium alloy treated by pulsed
magnetic field. Materials
Science and Technology, 2018, 34(6): 698-702.
Zhang Lei, Jin Fan, Zhan Wei, Hu
Penghe, Zhou Quan. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Y alloy
under a steady magnetic field. Materials Science and Technology, 2017,
33(18): 2197-2202.
Zhang lei, Hu Penghe, Zhou Quan,
Zhan Wei, Jin Fan. Effects of pulsed magnetic field on microstructure,
mechanical properties and bio-corrosion behavior of Mg-7Zn alloy. Materials Letters, 2017,193: 224-227.
Zhang lei, Zhou Wei, Hu Penghe, Zhou
Quan. Microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Y
alloy containing icosahedral quasicrystals phase treated by pulsed magnetic
field. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
2016, 688: 868-874.
(14) Zhang lei , Zhou Wei, Hu
Penghe, Zhou Quan. Effect of Al-3Nb-1B master alloy on the grain refinement of
AZ91D magnesium alloy. Metallurgical and
Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science,
2016, 47(3): 1999-2004.
Zhang lei. Effect of pulsed magnetic
field on microstructure and mechanical properties of eutectic Al-Si alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
- Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 2013, 44B: 390-395.
Zhang lei, Li Wen, Yao Junping. Microstructures
and thermal stability of the semi-solid 2024 aluminum alloy prepared using the
pulsed magnetic field process: Effects of technological parameters. Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, 2013, 554: 156-161.织、力学性能及生物腐蚀行为的影响. 中国有色金属学报, 2019, 29(11): 2540-2548.
(7) Zhang
lei, Liu Xurui, Huang Hao. Grain refinement of pure magnesium by the addition
of calcium carbonate. Materials Research
Express, 2019, 6(6): 066524.
(8) Zhang
Lei, Liu Xurui, Huang Hao, Zhou Quan. Effects of a steady magnetic field on structure and bio-corrosion
behavior of pure magnesium. Materials
Research Express, 2019, 6(6): 065410.
(9) Zhang
Lei, Liu Xurui, Huang Hao, Zhan Wei. Effects of Ti on microstructure,
mechanical properties and biodegradation behavior of Zn-Cu alloy. Materials
Letters, 2019, 224: 119-122.
(10) Zhang
Lei, Zhan Wei, Jin Fan, Zhou Quan. Microstructure and properties of A357
aluminium alloy treated by pulsed magnetic field. Materials Science and Technology,
2018, 34(6): 698-702.
(11) Zhang Lei,
Jin Fan, Zhan Wei, Hu Penghe, Zhou Quan. Microstructure and mechanical
properties of Mg-Zn-Y alloy under a steady magnetic field. Materials Science and
Technology, 2017, 33(18): 2197-2202.
(12) Zhang
lei, Hu Penghe, Zhou Quan, Zhan Wei, Jin Fan. Effects of pulsed magnetic
field on microstructure, mechanical properties and bio-corrosion behavior of
Mg-7Zn alloy. Materials Letters,
2017,193: 224-227.
(13) Zhang
lei, Zhou Wei, Hu Penghe, Zhou Quan. Microstructural characteristics and
mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Y alloy containing icosahedral quasicrystals
phase treated by pulsed magnetic field. Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 688: 868-874.
(14) Zhang
lei , Zhou
Wei, Hu Penghe, Zhou Quan. Effect of Al-3Nb-1B master alloy on the grain
refinement of AZ91D magnesium alloy. Metallurgical
and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing
Science, 2016, 47(3): 1999-2004.
(15) Zhang
lei. Effect of pulsed magnetic field on microstructure and mechanical
properties of eutectic Al-Si alloy. Metallurgical
and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing
Science, 2013, 44B: 390-395.
(16) Zhang
lei, Li Wen, Yao Junping. Microstructures
and thermal stability of the semi-solid 2024 aluminum alloy prepared using the
pulsed magnetic field process: Effects of technological parameters. Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, 2013, 554: 156-161.