2007/06——2010/06,南昌航空大学, 数学与信息科学学院, 助教
2010/06——2015/11,南昌航空大学, 数学与信息科学学院, 讲师
2015/12——2021/11,南昌航空大学, 数学与信息科学学院,副教授
2021/12——至今, 南昌航空大学,数学与信息科学学院,教授
2015/04——2018/12, 西安交通大学, 数学与统计学院, 博士后,合作导师: 蒋耀林教授,博士生导师,长江学者特聘教授, 享受国务院特殊津贴
2016/12——2017/11, 加拿大York University, 访问学者, 访问梁栋教授 (York University终身教授,山东大学海外特聘教授,泰山学者)
2000年9月—2004年6月, 江西师范大学, 数学与信息科学学院,大学本科.
2004年9月—2007年6月, 南京师范大学, 数学与计算机科学学院,硕士研究生,导师: 张志跃教授,博士生导师
(1) 主持国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目:几类非线性波动方程 (组) 新的高效数值方法研究.编号: 11861047. 起止时间:
(2) 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目: 时滞偏微分方程新的高性能数值算法研究. 编号: 11401294. 起止时间: 2015/01/01-2017/12/31.
(3) 主持国家自然科学基金数学天元基金项目: 几类延迟偏微分方程数值解法研究. 编号: 11326046. 起止时间:
(4)主持江西省自然科学基金项目杰出青年基金项目: 非线性能量守恒或耗散系统新的保结构高效数值算法研究. 编号: 20212ACB211006 起止时间:2022/01/01-2024/12/31.
(5) 主持江西省科技厅青年科学基金: 粘性波动方程高精度数值算法研究. 编号: 20142BAB211003. 起止时间: 2014/04/01-2015/12/31.
(6) 主持江西省自然科学基金面上项目:高维非线性波动方程 (组) 的高精度紧致差
分法及其理论, 起止时间: 2021/01/01-2022/12/31. 编号: 20202BABL201005
(7) 主持 (获)
中国博士后科学基金第 58 批面上项目(资助): 时滞抛物方程在非笛卡尔直角坐标系下的数值解法研究. 编号: 2015M582631. 起止时间: 2016/01/01-2018/12/31.
(8) 主持陕西省博士后科研项目:几类延迟抛物方程的差分法及其理论研究, 编号: 2016BSHYDZZ35. 起止时间: 2016/01/01-2018/12/31.
(9) 主持 (获)
2016年国家留学基金委面上项目 (资助): 2016年国家公派高级研究学者、访问学者、(含博士后项目) 博士后项目, CSC NO. 201608360086.
(10) 主持江西省教育厅青年科学基金: 非线性延迟抛物方程的有限体积元法. 编号:GJJ14545. 起止时间: 2014/04/01-2016/12/31.
(11) 主持2016年度省教育厅科技(一般)项目:时间分布阶时滞抛物方程的有限体积元法,起止时间: 2017/01/01-2018/12/31. 编号: GJJ160706.
(12) 主持南昌航空大学博士启动基金: 一些孤立波方程(组)的紧交替方向隐式差分法. 编号: EA201307007.
(13) 主持南昌航空大学科研课题一项: 一类非线性发展方程的高精度有效算法.编号: Ec200907255.
(14) 主持华中科技大学博士论文创新基金: 几类高维非线性孤立波方程 (组) 的高效数值算法研究. 编号: 01-18-011001.
(1) 获2015年度南昌航空大学青年英才开发计划资助, 获卧龙之星称号.
(2 )获2019年江西省教学成果奖二等奖,排名第五.
为《BIT Numetical Mathematics》、
<<Applied Numerical Mathematics>>、<<Mathematics and Computers in Simulation>>、
《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》、
<<Computer Mathematics with Applications>> 《Applied Mathematics and Computation》、
《Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization》、
《International Journal of Biomathematics》、
<<International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling>> 和
<<Journal of Engineering Mathematics>> 等数十个国际SCI刊物审稿。
(1) Yuxin Liang, Dingwen Deng*. Explicit, monotone and structure-preserving finite
methods for Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov equation and Allen-Cahn
equation, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Accepted, 2024. (SCI)
(2) Dingwen Deng, Ruyu Zhang. A two-level Crank-Nicolson difference scheme and its
Richardson extrapolation methods for a Magneto-Thermo-Elasticity model.
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2024, 16 (3): 608-635. (SCI)
(3) Dingwen
Deng, Zhijun Li. Invariants-preserving Du Fort-Frankel
schemes and their
analyses for the nonlinear Schrödinger equations with wave opterator. Journal of Computational Mathematics,
2024, 43 (3): 814-850. (SCI)
Dingwen Deng, Mengting Hu. Non-negativity-preserving and
finite difference methods for Fisher's equation with delay. Mathematics and
Computers in Simulation 219 (2024) 594–622.
(5) Dingwen Deng,
Xiaohong Xiong, Explicit, non-negativity-preserving and maximum-
finite difference scheme for the nonlinear Fisher's equation, Applied
Mathematics and Computation, 466
(2024) 128467. (SCI)
(6) Dingwen Deng, Jingliang Chen, Qihong Wang. Energy-preserving Du Fort-Frankel
schemes for solving sine-Gorden equation and coupled sine-Gordon equations, Numerical
Algorithms, 93 (2023): 1045-1081. (SCI)
(7) Dingwen
Deng, Jingliang Chen. Explicit Richardson extrapolation methods and their
for solving two-dimensional nonlinear wave equation with delays. Networks
Media, 18 (1) : 464-495, 2023. (SCI)
(9) Dingwen
Deng, Zhijun Li. High-order structure-preserving Du Fort-Frankel schemes
and their analyses for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with wave operator. Journal of
Computational and Applied Mathematics,
417 (2023): 114616. (SCI)
(10) Dingwen
Deng, Qinag Wu. Accuracy improvement of a Predictor-Corrector compact
difference scheme for the system of two-dimensional coupled nonlinear wave
equations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 203 (2023): 223-249.
(11) Dingwen
Deng, Zilin Zhao. Efficiently energy-dissipation-preserving ADI methods for
solving two-dimensional nonlinear Allen-Cahn equation. Computer &
Mathematics with Applications, 128 (2022): 249-272. (SCI)
(12) Dingwen
Deng, Qiang Wu. Error estimations of the fourth-order explicit Richardson
extrapolation method for two-dimensional nonlinear coupled wave equations. Computational
and Applied Mathematics 41 (2022) : 3. (SCI)
(13) Dingwen
Deng, Qiang Wu. The error estimations of a two-level linearized compact ADI
method for solving the nonlinear coupled wave equations. Numerical
Algorithms 89 (2022) : 1663-1693. (SCI)
(14) Dingwen Deng,
Qiang Wu. The studies of the linearly modified
energy-preserving finite difference methods applied to solve two-dimensional
nonlinear coupled wave equations. Numerical Algorithms 88 (2021) 1875-1914. (SCI)
(15) Dingwen Deng,
Qiang Wu. Linearized and decoupled
structure-preserving finite difference methods and their analyses for the
coupled Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential
Equations 37 (5): 2924-2951, 2021. (SCI)
(16) Dingwen Deng, Qiang Wu.
of the linearly energy- and mass-preserving finite difference methods for the
coupled Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics 170 (2021): 14-38.
(17) Dingwen
Deng, Dong Liang.
The energy preserving finite difference methods and their analyses
for system of nonlinear wave equations in two dimension. Applied Numerical Mathematics 151 (2020) 172-198. (SCI)
(18) Dingwen Deng. Numerical simulation of the
coupled sine-Gordon equations via a linearized and decoupled compact ADI method.
Numerical Functional Analysis and
Optimization 40 (9): 1053-1079,
2019. (SCI)
(19) Dingwen Deng, Jianqiang Xie, Yaolin
Jiang, Dong Liang. A second-order box solver for nonlinear delayed
convection-diffusion equations with Neumann boundary conditions.
International Journal of Computer
Mathematics 96 (9):
1879-1898, 2019. (SCI)
(20). Dingwen Deng. Unified compact ADI
methods for solving nonlinear viscous and nonviscous wave equations. Chinese Journal of Physics 56 (2018):
2897-2915. (SCI).
Dingwen Deng, Dong
Liang.The time
fourth-order compact ADI methods for solving two-dimensional nonlinear wave
equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation
329 (2018): 188-209. (SCI)
(22). Dingwen Deng, Yaolin Jiang, Dong Liang. High-order
finite difference methods for a second order dual-phase-lagging models of
microscale heat transfer. Applied Mathematics and Computation 309 (2017), 31-48. (SCI)
(23). Dingwen Deng, Yaolin Jiang.Two-level finite difference methods for
simulating the high-dimensional lagging models of heat conduction. Numerical Functional Analysis and
Optimization 38 (7) , 831-860, 2017.
(24). Dingwen Deng. The study of
a fourth-order multistep ADI method applied to nonlinear delay
reaction–diffusion equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics 96 (2015)
118-133. (SCI)
(25). Dingwen Deng, Chengjian Zhang. Analysis and
application of a compact multistep ADI solver for a class of nonlinear viscous
wave equations. Applied Mathematical Modelling 39 (2015),
1033-1049. (SCI)
(26). Dingwen Deng. Accuracy
improvement of a multistep splitting method for nonlinear viscous wave
equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 91 (8): 1755-1774, 2014.
(27). Dingwen Deng, Chengjian
Zhang. Analysis of a fourth-order compact ADI method for a linear hyperbolic
equation with three spatial variables. Numerical Algorithms 2013 63 (1) 1-26. (SCI)
(28). Dingwen Deng, Chengjian
Zhang. A new fourth-order numerical algorithm for a class of three-dimensional
nonlinear evolution equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential
Equations 29 (2013),
102-130. (SCI)
(29). Dingwen Deng, Chengjian
Zhang. A family of new fourth-order solvers for a nonlinear damped wave
equation, Computer Physics Communications 184 (2013) 86-101. (SCI)
(30). Dingwen Deng,
Chengjian Zhang. Application of a
fourth-order compact ADI method to solve a two-dimensional linear hyperbolic
equation. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2013 90 (2)
273 -291. (SCI)
(31). Dingwen Deng, Chengjian
Zhang. A new fourth-order numerical algorithm for a class of nonlinear wave
equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics 62 (2012) 1864-1879. (SCI)
(32). Dingwen Deng, Zhiyue Zhang. A new high-order
algorithm for a class of nonlinear evolution equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical
and Theoretical 41015202
(2008). (SCI)
(33). Zhiyue Zhang, Dingwen Deng. A new alternating-direction finite element
method for hyperbolic equation. Numerical
Methods for Partial Differential Equations 23 (2007),
1530-1559. (SCI)
(34). Zhiyue Zhang, Dingwen Deng.
A fourth-order finite difference solver for nerve conduction equation in
retangular domains. Jounrnal of Mathematical Physics 49, 043508
(2008). (SCI)
(35). Jinliang Yan, Dingwen Deng, Fuqiang Lu, Zhiyue Zhang.
A new efficient energy-preserving
finite volume element scheme for the improved Boussinesq equation. Applied
Mathematical Modelling 87 (2020)
20-41. (SCI)
(38) Dingwen Deng, Qiang Wu. Analysis of a compact multi-step ADI method for linear parabolic equation. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 40(2020): 1-16. (EI)
(39) Jianqiang Xie, Dingwen Deng, Huasheng Zheng. Fourth-order difference solvers for nonlinear delayed fractional sub-diffusion equations with variable coefficients.International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 37(4): 241-251,2017. (EI)(40). Jianqiang Xie, Dingwen Deng, Huasheng Zheng. A compact difference scheme for one-dimensional nonlinear delay reaction-diffusion equations with variable coefficient.IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 47 (1): 14-19, 2017. (EI)(41). Dingwen Deng, Tingting Pan. A fourth-order singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta method for solving one-dimensional Burgers' equation.IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 45 (4): 327-333, 2015. (EI)(42). Dingwen Deng, Jianqiang Xie. High-order exponential time differencing methods for solving one-dimensional Burgers' equation.IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 43 (2): 167-175, 2016. (EI)(43). 胡梦婷, 邓定文. 二维时滞 Fisher方程的保非负性和保最大值原理的加权有限差分法[J]. 计算数学,已接受.(44). 胡梦婷, 邓定文.求解时滞 Fisher 方程的两类保持结构的隐显差分法[J]. 中国科学: 数学,doi: 10.1360/SSM-2023-0274, 2024. 已接受.(45) 熊小红, 邓定文. 时滞 Fisher方程的保结构 Du Fort Frankel 差分格式及其分析[J]. 计算数学,2023, 已接受.(46) 赵紫琳,邓定文. 求解二维Fisher-KPP方程的一组加权结构保持差分格式的分析及其Richardson 外推法[J].
应用数学学报,47 (1): 101-123.
(47). 邓定文, 赵紫琳. 求解二维 Fisher-KPP 方程的一类保正保界差分格式及其 Richardson 外推法[J].计算数学,2022, 44 (4): 561-584.(48). 邓定文. 一维电磁波方程的四阶紧致差分格式[J]. 应用数学, 2012, 25 (4) 917-922.
(49). 邓定文. 一类线性发展方程的交替紧致差分格式[J]. 南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版),2010, 24 (2): 55-59.
(50). 张启峰,张诚坚,邓定文. 求解非线性时滞双曲型偏微分方程的紧致差分方法及Richardson外推算法[J]. 数值计算与计算机应用, 2013 , 34 (3): 167-176.
(51). 陈景良, 邓定文. 非线性延迟波动方程的两类差分格式[J]. 理论数学, 2020, 10 (5), 508-517.
(52). 吴强, 邓定文. 一维非线性耦合波动方程组的显式差分格式[J]. 南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版), 2020 34 (3): 34-39.
(53) 邓定文. 研究生专业课程<<微分方程数值解法>>的教学方法的探索与实践:以南昌航空大学为例[J]. 教育进展,2020,10 (6): 1053-1057.
(54) 赵紫琳, 邓定文. 一维Fisher-KPP方程的高阶显式Richardson外推法[J]. 南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 36 (1): 17-22. (55) 张佳豪, 邓定文. 三维非线性神经传播方程的四阶和六阶Richardson外推法[J].应用数学和力学, 已录用.