2015年7月-2018年9月, 海润光伏科技股份有限公司研发中心,主管工程师
2018 年 9 月-2020 年 9 月 Australian national university College of Engineering and Computer 联合培养
2017 年 9 月-2020 年 6 月 南昌大学 材料科学与工程(太阳电池) 博士
2012 年 9 月-2015 年 6 月 南昌大学 材料学(太阳电池) 硕士
2008 年 9 月-2012 年 6 月 南昌大学 材料物理(太阳电池) 学士
[1] 基于掺硼非晶硅构筑全新TOPCon太阳电池选择性发射极 扩散体系及其机理研究。国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持;
[2] 钝化接触结构的光学测试分析方法研究。南昌航空大学重点科研基地开放基金,主持。
[1] Wenhap Chen, Xinxin Liu, Weiqin Liu, Yuanyuan Yu, Wenjie Wang, Yimao Wan; Optimization of activated phosphorus concentration in recrystallized polysilicon layers for the n-TOPCon solar cell application; Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2023, 252: 112206
[2] Wenhao Chen; Yuanyuan Yu, Wenjie Wang, Penghui Chen, Yipin Ke, Weiqin Liu, Yimao Wan; Influence of rear surface pyramid base microstructure on industrial n-TOPCon solar cell performances, Solar Energy, 2022, 247: 24-31
[3] Wenhao Chen; Wenjie Wang; Yuanyuan Yu; Penghui Chen; Bo Zheng; Weiqing Liu; Yimao Wan; N-type polysilicon passivating contact combined with hydrogen-containing TCO as the interconnected structure for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2022, 238: 111622
[4] Wenhao Chen; Josua Stuckelberger; Wenjie Wang; Sieu Pheng Phang; Daniel Macdonald; Yimao Wan; Di Yan ; N-type polysilicon passivating contacts using ultra-thin PECVD silicon oxynitrides as the interfacial layer, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2021, 232: 111356
[5] Wenhao Chen; Thien N.Truong; Hieu T.Nguyen; Christian Samundsett; Sieu Pheng Phang; Danie l MacDonald; Andres Cuevas; Lang Zhou; Yimao Wan; Di Yan; Influence of PECVD deposition temperature on phosphorus doped poly-silicon passivating contacts, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2020, 206: 110348
[6] Wenhao Chen; Xiaomei Liu; Miao Li; Chuanqiang Yin; Lang Zhou ; On the nature and removal of saw marks on diamond wire sawn multicrystalline silicon wafers, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2014, 27(27): 220-227
[7] Wenhao Chen; Renzhong Liu; Qingguo Zeng; Lang Zhou ; Low cost multicrystalline bifacial PERC solar cells – Fabrication and thermal improvement, Solar Energy, 2019, 184: 508-514
[8] Wenhao Chen; Josua Stuckelberger; Wenjie Wang; Sieu Pheng Phang; Di Kang; Christian Samundsett; Danie Macdonald; Yimao Wan; Di Yan; Influence of PECVD deposition power and pressure on phosphorus-doped polysilicon passivating contacts, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2020, 10 (5): 1239-1245
[9] Wenhao Chen; Weiqin Liu; Yuanyuan Yu, et al. A study of activated phosphorus distribution within silicon substrate for polysilicon passivating contacts based on an in-line PVD system, Solar Energy, 2023, 259: 375-380.
[10] Chen W, Liu W, Yu Y, et al. Study on selective emitter fabrication through an innovative pre‐diffusion process for enhanced efficiency in TOPCon solar cells[J]. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 2024, 32(3): 199-211.
[11] Chen W, Zhou S, Cao J, et al. Controlled Crystallization and Enhanced Performance of γ‐CsPbI3 Perovskite Through Methylammonium Iodide‐Assisted Coevaporation[J]. Small Methods, 2400796.
[12] Zhou S, Chen W*, Liu W, et al. A study on using a binder-free TiO2 paste with sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate addition to improve the performance of low-temperature DSSCs[J]. Solar Energy, 2024, 274: 112553.
[13] Chen W, Zhou S, Liu W, et al. Enhancing industrialization TOPCon solar cell efficiency via comprehensive anti-reflection passivation film optimization[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2024, 169: 107874.