













1. 信息工程学院 004 智能制造技术 085509 通信与信息系统 01
2. 信息工程学院 004 智能制造技术 085509 信号与信息处理 02
3. 信息工程学院 004 智能制造技术 085509 智能信息处理 03
4. 信息工程学院 004 新一代电子信息技术 085401 不区分研究方向 00

2022.06--至今     南昌航空大学信息工程学院、通信工程系教师(期间:2023年5月后,任通信工程系党支部书记)


2018.09--2022.06  中南大学计算机科学与技术专业博士学习

2015.09--2018.07  江西师范大学物理学专业硕士学习

2011.09--2015.07  江西师范大学物理学专业大学本科学习


1. 主持江西省自然科学基金——青年基金项目,项目编号:20232BAB211032,8 万,时间:2023年7月-2026年6月

2.主持南昌航空大学博士启动基金,项目编号:EA202204230 ,20 万,时间:2022年9月-2024年12月

3. 参与横向项目,无人机对地雷达智能侦察决策推演软件,项目编号:GK202404072,4万,时间:2024年1月-2024年7月

4.参与国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 项目编号:61871407, 67万,时间: 2019年01月 - 2022年12月



《Physical Review A》、《Optics Express》、《物理学报》、《Quantum Information Processing》等期刊审稿人


5年来,本人基于非高斯条件测量在量子态工程、量子精密测量和量子保密通信领域取得丰硕的研究成果。截止目前,本人在[Physical Review A、Optics Express、Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics、物理学报Physics Letters APhysica ScriptaQuantum Information ProcessingLaser Physics Letter等]期刊上发表SCI论文26篇,其中第一作者10篇(包含高被引论文1篇),通讯作者7篇。具体如下:

1) W. Ye, C. P. Chen, S. K. Chang*, S. Y. Gao, H. Zhang*, Y. Xia*, W. W. Hu, X. Rao*. Quantum-improved phase estimation with a displacement-assisted SU(1,1) interferometer. Opt. Express 31, 41850 (2023).

2) W. Ye, Y. GuoH. Zhang, S. K. ChangY. Xia*S. Xiong*, L. Y. Hu*. Coherent superposition of photon subtraction- and addition-based two-mode squeezed coherent state: quantum properties and its applications. Quantum Inf. Process. 22, 62 (2023).

3) W. Ye, Y. Guo, H. Zhang, H. Zhong*, Y. Mao*, L. Y. Hu*. Enhancing discrete modulated continuous variable measurement device independent quantum key distribution via quantum catalysis. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 045501 (2021).

4) W. Ye, Y. Guo, H. Zhang, Y. Xia*, Yun Mao*. Generation of nonclassical states by superposition of number conserving operations on squeezed thermal state. Phys. Scripta 96, 075102 (2021).

5) W. Ye, H. Zhong*, X. D. Wu, L. Y. Hu*, Y. Guo*. Continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution via quantum catalysis. Quantum Inf. Process. 19, 346 (2020).

6) 叶炜, 郭迎*, 夏莹, 钟海, 张欢, 丁建枝, 胡利云*. 基于量子催化的离散调制连续变量量子密钥分发. 物理学报 69, 060301 (2020).

7) W. Ye, H. Zhang, C. P. Wei, H. Zhong, Y. Xia, L. Y. Hu*, Y. Guo*. Nonclassicality and entanglement of single-photon catalysis-assisted two-mode squeezed coherent state. Opt. Commun. 474, 126103 (2020).

8) W. Ye, Y. Guo*, H. Zhang, H. Zhong, Y. Xia, S. K. Chang*, L. Y. Hu*. Nonclassicality and entanglement properties of non-Gaussian entangled states via a superposition of number-conserving operations. Quantum Inf. Process. 19, 245 (2020).

9) W. Ye, H. Zhong*, Q. Liao, D. Huang, L. Y. Hu, Y. Guo*. Improvement of self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution with quantum photon catalysis. Opt. Express 27, 17186 (2019).

10) W. Ye, L. Y. Hu*, K. Z. Zhang, J. H. Huang*, Z. M. Zhang. Properties of two-mode squeezed Laguerre-polynomial-excited vacuum state generated by conditional measurement. Phys. Scripta 94, 085401 (2019).

11) S. K. Chang, W. Ye*, X. Rao, M. Liu, H. Zhang, L. Q. Huang, M. M. Luo, Y. T. Chen, S. Y. Gao*. Simultaneous multiple angular displacement estimation precision enhanced by the intramode correlation. Quantum Inf. Process. 22, 345 (2023).

12) H. Zhong, W. Ye*, Z. Y. Zuo, D. Huang, Y. Guo*. Kalman filter-enabled parameter estimation for simultaneous quantum key distribution and classical communication scheme over a satellite-mediated link. Opt. Express 30, 5981 (2022).

13) H. Zhang, W. Ye*, C. P. Wei, C. J. Liu, Z. Y. Liao*, L. Y. Hu*. Improving phase estimation using number-conserving operations. Phys. Rev. A 103, 052602 (2021).

14) S. K. Chang, C. P. Wei, H. Zhang, Y. Xia, W. Ye*, L. Y. Hu*. Enhanced phase sensitivity with a nonconventional interferometer and nonlinear phase shifter. Phys. Lett. A 384, 126755 (2020).

15) Z. Y. Zuo, Y. J. Wang, Y. Mao*, W. Ye*, L. Y. Hu, D. Huang, Y. Guo. Quantum catalysis-assisted attenuation for improving free space continuous variable quantum key distribution. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 185501 (2020).

16) H. Zhong, Y. Guo*, Y. Mao, W. Ye*, D. Huang. Virtual zero-photon catalysis for improving continuous-variable quantum key distribution via Gaussian post-selection. Sci. Rep. 10, 17526 (2020).

17) K. Z. Zhang, L. Y. Hu*, W. Ye*, C. J. Liu, X. X. Xu. Preparation and non-classicality of non-Gaussian quantum states based on catalytic quantum scissors. Laser Phys. Lett. 16, 015204 (2019).

18) H. Zhang, W. Ye, S. K. Chang, Y. Xia, L. Y. Hu*, Z. Y. Liao*. Quantum multiparameter estimation with multimode photon catalysis entangled squeezed state. Front. Phys. 18, 42304 (2023).

19) H. Zhang, W. Ye, Z. Y. Liao, X. H. Wang. Quantum superresolution for imaging two pointlike entangled photon sources. Phys. Rev. A 108, 033713 (2023).

20) J. L. Huang, W. Ye , C. J. Liu*, Q. Q. Kuang, F. Jia. Underwater quantum key distribution with continuous-variable via photon additions. Results Phys. 54, 107136 (2023).

21) S. K. Chang, W. Ye, X. Rao, H. Zhang, L. Q. Huang, M. M. Luo, Y. T. Chen, S. Y. Gao*, L. Y. Hu*. Evaluating the quantum Ziv-Zakai bound for phase estimation in noisy environments. Opt. Express 30, 24207 (2022).

22) S. K. Chang, W. Ye, H. Zhang, L. Y. Hu*, J. H. Huang*, S. Q. Liu*. Improvement

of phase sensitivity in an SU(1,1) interferometer via a phase shift induced by a Kerr medium. Phys. Rev. A 105, 033704 (2022).

23) S. K. Chang, W. Ye, X. Rao, J. Wen, H. Zhang, Q. K. Gong, L. Q. Huang, M. M. Luo, Y. T. Chen, L. Y. Hu, S. Y. Gao*. Intramode-correlation-enhanced simultaneous multiparameter-estimation precision. Phys. Rev. A 106, 062409 (2022).

24) H. Zhang, W. Ye, C. P. Wei, Y. Xia, S. K. Chang, Z. Y. Liao*, L. Y. Hu*. Improved phase sensitivity in a quantum optical interferometer based on multiphoton catalytic two-mode squeezed vacuum states. Phys. Rev. A 103, 013705 (2021).

25) F. Jia, W. Ye, Q. Wang, L. Y. Hu*, H. Y. Fan. Comparison of nonclassical properties resulting from non-Gaussian operations. Laser Phys. Lett. 16, 015201 (2019).

26) Y. Guo, W. Ye, H. Zhong, Q. Liao*. Continuous-variable quantum key distribution with non-Gaussian quantum catalysis. Phys. Rev. A 99, 032327 (2019).